Toyota CEO: “This New Engine Will Destroy The Entire EV Industry!”

Toyota has recently created quite a buzz in the automotive industry by unveiling its new hydrogen combustion engine. In a world where every automaker is trying to come up with the best electric vehicles, Toyota has taken a different approach. Toyota believes that its new hydrogen combustion engine can be a game-changer in the automotive industry.

What is Toyota’s New Hydrogen Combustion Engine?

Toyota’s new hydrogen combustion engine is different from the fuel cell technology that powers the Toyota Mirai, its last hydrogen-powered car. The company has been working on a new engine that can power internal combustion with hydrogen. Hydrogen engines use a fuel cell that converts hydrogen into electricity. The best part is that the only byproduct that comes out of the exhaust pipe is water, which means no harmful pollutants.

How Does the Hydrogen Combustion Engine Work?

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and has the highest specific energy density of any non-nuclear power source. Hydrogen can be created using many sources, stored indefinitely, and shipped relatively easily. Millions of tons of hydrogen are produced and used without incident every year, and it’s already being used as a power source in buildings, electric cars, forklifts, ships, and trains. Hydrogen engines have longer ranges and don’t need to be recharged like electric cars.

Benefits of Hydrogen Combustion Engine

One of the main benefits of hydrogen combustion engines is that once produced, hydrogen is efficient and cost-effective to distribute. Most new vehicle hydrogen refueling stations create hydrogen on-site with electrolysis, using 100% renewable surplus energy. These stations are containerized and only require water and power to operate. Power is supplied on green tariffs or, at some stations, sourced directly from solar or wind on-site.

The hydrogen combustion engine could be a game-changer in the automotive industry because it has a longer range than electric cars and doesn’t require any charging. Also, hydrogen can be produced and distributed cost-effectively, making it more accessible to people than electric vehicles. Hydrogen is also the most abundant element in the universe, and it’s exhaust-free and non-toxic, making it a much cleaner fuel than gasoline.

Is Toyota’s New Hydrogen Combustion Engine a Game Changer?

Toyota claims that its new hydrogen combustion engine is a game-changer in the automotive industry, and it can destroy the entire EV industry. However, there are still some limitations to this technology. Hydrogen is highly flammable, which can be a significant safety issue, and it’s also challenging to process and store. Hydrogen engines also emit nitrous oxide during the combustion process, which is a pollutant.

Another drawback of hydrogen engines is the lack of infrastructure. There are only a few hydrogen refueling stations worldwide, and building new ones can be expensive. Furthermore, the cost of producing hydrogen is high, and it can be challenging to produce it at scale.


Toyota’s new hydrogen combustion engine is undoubtedly a technological breakthrough, and it has the potential to revolutionize the automotive industry. However, it’s still unclear whether this technology can replace electric cars completely. While hydrogen has several benefits, it also has some limitations that need to be addressed, such as the lack of hydrogen infrastructure and the high cost of producing and storing hydrogen fuel. Moreover, electric cars have come a long way in terms of battery technology and charging infrastructure, and they offer several advantages, including lower maintenance costs and zero emissions.

In conclusion, Toyota’s hydrogen combustion engine is an exciting development that highlights the ongoing innovation and competition in the automotive industry. It remains to be seen whether this technology will be widely adopted and whether it can compete with electric cars in terms of affordability and practicality. Ultimately, consumers will have to decide which technology they prefer based on their individual needs and preferences.



